Empirically, many people take advantage of breadfruit leaves to cope with various health problems. In addition to lowering blood cholesterol levels, some are making it as a solution to save the kidney. If only the advice of relatives and relatives are not ignored, it is not impossible Arman must undergo dialysis regularly. In fact, it could be the father of two children had lost his kidney. Breadfruit leaf decoction drunk who routinely able to save her kidneys and ensure the daily routine is still running.
Before routine drinking breadfruit leaf herb that has been drained and a half years ago, complaining about his body Arman easily tired, lethargic, and the freshness of her face is much reduced. He also tortured when the urge to urinate. "It was torture, in addition to the old, out too little. Waiting for the many hours it really made me miserable, "he said.
The result of the doctor, the left kidney conditions including severe Arman. Not only tortured during urination, weight also fell dramatically, from 70 kg to 55 kg. These conditions include Arman try another solution. Although initially some doubt, advice from his brother to drink boiled breadfruit leaf was eventually followed. When it's this 65-year-old man was already beginning to take it anymore with the pain experienced. Fortunately, despite a kidney condition is severe enough, Arman did not have to undergo dialysis.
According to doctors, no kidney malfunction due to several reasons. Among the sediment of kidney stones, enlarged prostate, diabetes, high blood pressure, or immunological disease. In her case, renal failure caused by an enlarged prostate.
Medically, the decline in kidney function due to aging would be more rapid progress because of an enlarged prostate clog the urinary tract. Like most sufferers, a new Arman complain after renal function is reduced 25-30 percent.
A glass a day
Create a breadfruit leaf herb stew, according to Arman, quite simple and easy, by boiling the leaves of breadfruit that has been dried. The water is drunk every day of one glass. Admittedly, the early reaction has not been felt. A month later then feel no change. "Agency began to feel more fit, more fresh and urination becomes more smoothly," said Arman.
Felt it fit with the potion, he went up to four months. The result is quite good, pains in the waist which previously felt too much reduced. In fact, the results of the examination the doctor said his kidney condition is much better and healthier. Still, he remains diligent control to the doctor, at least one or two months.
Besides good for the kidneys, breadfruit leaf was also apt to reduce the rate of bad cholesterol in the blood. As experienced by Imron. According to him, after two weeks, breadfruit leaves can lower blood cholesterol levels.
Potions same as for the kidney, only added bangle. Mix a handful of leaves that have dried breadfruit and bangle brewed with hot water, like making tea. Taken every day as a substitute for tea. The result was perfect for me, said the man's employer. Benefits of breadfruit leaves already become part of the history of Indonesian herbal medicine.
Breadfruit leaf is believed to contain some nutritious substances such as acid hidrosianat, asetilcolin, tannins, riboflavin, and so forth. These substances are also able to overcome the inflammation.
Moreover, empirically, breadfruit leaves capable of rescuing ailing kidneys. A study conducted by researchers from China LIPI also revealed, breadfruit leaf is very useful for healing process of cardiovascular disease.
Bambang Indro Mardi, herbalist as well as alternative healers from Jakarta, acknowledged that the leaves of breadfruit has a wide variety of benefits to maintain or improve the performance of the kidney, as lowering cholesterol, as well suited to maintaining healthy blood vessels and heart.
So far, many people claim to have benefited directly from the leaves of breadfruit, especially for kidney disorders, cholesterol, and uric acid, "he said. Other Articles: Breadfruit included in the genus Artocarpus (Moraceae family) that consists of 50 species of woody plants, which only grows in hot and humid region of Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. The fruit is round and rough thick-skinned, with light green and yellow colors with a weight of about 1.5 - 3 kg. Breadfruit can be used for food. People usually use them for snacks, such as boiled, fried, or made chips and compote. There also are using it as raw material for flour and noodles.
Not many people who planted it. Besides lack of "sell", people do not really know the benefits of these plants. Often some people cutting down trees in the yard, and replace them with other crops such as banana or mango. But the truth is very useful breadfruit. The leaves have some health benefits, effective for treating various diseases such as liver, hepatitis, dental pain, itching, enlarged spleen, heart, and kidney. In fact, the people of Ambon use the bark for medicine withdraw blood for the woman who had given birth 8-10 days.
Leaves of these plants contain several potent substances such as acid hidrosianat, asetilcolin, tannins, riboflavin, and so forth. These substances are also able to overcome the inflammation. Save the Kidneys There is also what makes the leaves as an alternative to save the ailing kidneys. It's easy, but be patient.
First step, prepare three pieces of dark green leaves, but still on the limb. Then wash in running water. Furthermore chopped and sun to dry. Prepare also a container and fill with two liters of clean water. Keep the container made of pottery clay, but if nobody else can also use stainless steel pans. Enter the dried leaves and then cooked to a boil, reserving the water until its volume by half. Next, add one liter of clean water, and boil again until the half.
Then the filter was boiled breadfruit leaf. Water color red, like tea. It's a bit bitter. Please drink until they run out, should not be left to kesesokan day. So forth. In order not to bother commute takes three pieces of leaves, should provide sliced breadfruit leaves dry for a week. The trick, have dark green leaves as much as 3 x 7 = 21 pieces.
The next process just like the way above, so we have a number of chopped dried breadfruit leaves, but is divided into seven packs. Each day take a pack, boil, strain, and drink. If you belong to can not stand the bitter, can add a little honey every time a drink.
Leaves heart breadfruit can also be to treat heart disease. The trick, take the old one breadfruit leaves still attached on the tree. Breadfruit leaves parents have maximal levels of chemical substances. Wash thoroughly and then dried in the sun to dry. Then boiled to a boil with five glasses of water and leave until a half. Add water again until you reach the volume of five cups. Once filtered, boiling water was ready to be drunk and should not be left to run out tomorrow.
Some experts doubt the efficacy of traditional medicine was breadfruit leaf. But the public already believes and prove the efficacy of breadfruit leaves that can cure heart disease and kidney.
In the book collection of the Botanical Gardens Bogor Botanical medicine, this plant does not fit. The only literature that reveals the effects of diuretic and cardiotonic breadfruit only book Indian Medicinal Plants. That was just about the fruit. Do they contain chemicals that merit? Of course, still need to conduct further research by the parties involved, because it is traditional medicine from plants, although initially believed the story only by word of mouth. Thus, the study is very important for world health.
By : Triono Widjajanto
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