Saturday, May 1, 2010

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The First of May

White-throated Sparrow

I awakened this morning to the sweet sound of a White-throated Sparrow song outside my window. It is raining and birds are grounded around the lilac bush beside the deck. They sing back and forth and then scritch scratch in the garden mulch looking for food. White-throated Sparrows usually return a couple of weeks before White-crowned Sparrows, but they arrived together to our neighbourhood yesterday. A Chipping Sparrow trills from the pine tree and drops into the yard from time to time for some millet. Blue Jays have called loudly for peanuts a few times but their presence upsets the Chickadees who aggressively chase them away from the vicinity of their nest. It is a David and Goliath contest but the jays do leave.

...time for another cup of tea and some more lazy Saturday morning lounging.

White-crowned Sparrow

p.s. Thanks for the good wishes for my mother's recovery. She is out of hospital, resting at home and waiting for a pathology report. I wish we were not separated by so many miles.


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