Our eldest daughter made me a lovely breakfast this morning. When I got up I found this note scrawled on a piece of paper beside a tray of goodies. She had been up for a while and had gone out to practice driving her car before going home. On Friday I went with her to pick up a brand new Honda Civic with a manual transmission. Her dad and I worked over the weekend teaching her how to coordinate a clutch and gas pedal. She went out early this morning to practice on hills before the traffic was heavy and had quickly grabbed my keys so she could get back in the house. While there was no hidden intent in the note today, I had to laugh because the day will surely come when one or more of our children will take control of our car, our house and our lives.

Mother's Day is a highly commercialized holiday in North America. One of my co-workers was asked by her children last week what she wanted for Mother's Day and she replied, "Respect!" She has teen/tween daughters who often argue and challenge her authority. It is impossible to find respect packaged at a store or on a restaurant menu.
Yesterday I went to Toronto to visit the mother of a long time friend who is in a convalescent hospital following surgery. The patient is in her mid-80's and relies on my friend for most of her care. My friend arrived later with her great-nephew with whom she had spent the day at the Ontario Science Centre. She never had children of her own and has been very successful in her chosen career. But she is a nurturer for her mom and the children in her extended family.
It takes more than one day a year to build and maintain important family relationships, to support one another and earn love and respect. Those who give freely to others, who value family and respect the contribution of each member deserve a special day of recognition. They are the people who create ripples of love which move across present and future generations.
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