The first long weekend of the summer season was summery indeed. Saturday was very wet and the warm temperatures that followed have made things grow very quickly. My husband is near Algonquin Park, where black flies and mosquitoes are already swarming. I hope he catches his limit of fish to make the discomfort worthwhile. In the meantime, it was quiet in the city, a perfect day to enjoy the garden and deck.
The baby chickadees are 11 days old and look ready to fledge very soon. I will not disturb them any more for fear they will leave the nest prematurely. The parents still work nonstop feeding them and it must take a lot of grubs to make birds grow this fast in a week and a half.
June flowers are blooming early and the rhubarb patch needed to be thinned out. After a bit of gardening it was time to take a lesson from the dog on how to relax and enjoy a holiday.
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