Monday, June 28, 2010

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Johann Gottfried Silbermann 1734 organ in Ponitz

Already in 1734 the final completion of the church was made prior to Gottfried Silbermann, the contract for which Ponitz church to build an organ. In September of that year signed contract are already indications about the future organ contain accurate. This certificate was signed by Carl August from the Planitz, Dorothea of Schönburg born of Zehmen and Christiana Sibylla of the Planitz born of Zehmen than the customer as well as by Gottfried Silbermann. The original of this document is now untraceable. The detailed content of the contract, however, is evident from a contemporary copy. Only in 1996 discovered the handwritten copy of contract at an auction in London. Today this document is located in the Saxon State Library, one copy exists in the Ponitz parish archive. With the discovery of this copy was the first time clearly that the organ was enlarged with the treaty of 1737.

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Prelude and Fugue in E minore BWV 548
1. Prelude

Bernard Foccroulle at the Johann Gottfried Silbermann organ in Ponitz


Bordun 16 Fuß
Principal 8 Fuß
Rohr-Flöthe 8 Fuß
Viol di Gamba 8 Fuß
Octava 4 Fuß
Spitz-Flöthe 4 Fuß
Quinta 3 Fuß
Octava 2 Fuß
Tertia 1 3/5 Fuß
Mixtur 4fach
Cornett 3fach

Principal 8 Fuß
Gedackt 8 Fuß
Quintadehn 8 Fuß
Octava 4 Fuß
Rohr-Flöthe 4 Fuß
Nassat 3 Fuß
Octava 2 Fuß
Gemßhorn 2 Fuß
Sesquialtera 1 3/5 Fuß
Quinta 1 1/2 Fuß
Suffloeth 1 Fuß
Cymbeln 2fach
Vox humana 8 Fuß

Principal-Baß 16 Fuß
Posaunen-Baß 16 Fuß
Octav-Baß 8 Fuß

Tremulant im Hauptwerk
Schwebung im Oberwerk
Pedalkoppel (seit 1884)


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