Monday, July 18, 2011

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Anthrax is a disease that causes infections of the skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. The disease is highly contagious and can be fatal. Usually transmitted from animals, particularly cows, goats, and sheep. 


Bacterium bacillus anthracis. These bacteria can survive in soil and animal derived products for decades. During that time, the bacteria are dormant or asleep. Infection usually enter through the skin, eating contaminated meat or inhaling the bacteria. 


Symptoms can appear within hours after exposure to the bacteria. Skin infections in the form of red-brown lumps of enlarged with swelling around it is an early sign. Blisters or bumps will harden and then break up and release a clear fluid. 

Lymph nodes on the body that is attacked can swell and the patient feel unwell. Muscle ache, headache, fever, nausea and vomiting.

In the case of anthrax that occurred in the pulmonary organs, symptoms can resemble the flu. But accompanied by a worsening fever and respiratory symptoms. Anthrax can also infect the gut and brain. 

1. Skin anthrax Characteristic, Ulcer covered by a black crust, called the dry Eschar Incubation period 1-5 days. CFR depends on the extent of skin tissue as well as who gets the infection rate in providing treatmen.

2. Digestion anthrax. Transmission via food. Arise acutely or perakut The incubation period varies 2-5 days CFR 25-75 percent.

3. Anthrax lungs (rare). Incubation period varies 1-5 days (usually 3-4 days). Anthrax can occur due to the expansion of the skin or breathing air that contains spores of CFR varies 75-90 per cent.

4. Anthrax meningitis due to other complications of the type of anthrax. 


In case of skin infection is treated with penicillin. If it occurs in pulmonary organs, can be given by injection penilisin. The disease is still high risk causing damage to the body though it was given drugs to overcome them. One way to prevent it is by vaccination.


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