Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bat Saliva Can Overcome Stroke

Vampire bats are known as blood suckers of wildlife, livestock or human blood. The new study found that the saliva (spit) from vampire bats can help thin the blood and helps stroke patients.
The study found the vampire bat saliva contains enzymes DSPA (desmoteplase). This enzyme function that helps thin the blood sacrifice of blood flow more freely.
DSPA can also be used to break up blood clots in the brain that can cause a person having a stroke. Most of the strokes that occur in society are caused by blood clots that obstruct blood vessels in the brain or stroke istemik. 

This condition will impede blood flow and oxygen that can cause tissue death. If not immediately treated could cause lasting effects such as paralysis, impaired speech and decreased cognitive abilities. 

In the process of handling a stroke, time plays an important role to reduce the risk of brain damage that may occur. The sooner treated the greater the chance for recovery. Here, the role of DSPA contained in the bats saliva. 

In the journal Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers found that DSPA might not only be able to work well, but also helps patients to wait longer to seek treatment. 

In this study, Robert L Medcalf of the Monash University in Australia DSPA injected into rat brains. DSPA is known to attack fibrin but does not cause brain damage. The scientists showed that DSPA can be given up to 9 hours after a person has a stroke without the side effects. 

DSPA was first discovered in 2003 and the first human study on the complex done in 2006 by researchers from Ohio State University Medical Center. It was found that the drug is safe and well tolerated by patients. Current study aimed to determine whether this drug has clinical benefit for stroke patients. 

"We want to offer another option for patients when they suffered a stroke. Because the longer they go for help, then the fewer options available because of the damage was done in the brain," said Dr. Michel Torbey from Ohio State, as quoted from Healthland.



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