ORGASM partly a big problem for women. In fact, research shows that 75 percent of women never achieve orgasm only through sexual contact and need the help of sex toys or other stimulation.
Further research reveals, 10-15 percent of women do not reach orgasm at all. If you're part of them, consider four things to consider as your hard orgasm because, as reported by Yourmodernliving.
Needs to be controlled
To have a sexual experience that really satisfying, it means you have to completely let go of control and resistance. If you are the type of person who always needs to control himself and emotions, reach orgasm may be difficult. Because, you're not going to let myself lose control long enough to reach the finish line, aka orgasm.
If this sounds like you, try practicing to "loosen" self. How, could by shouting for no reason, dancing around the living room, or anything to show ourselves that releasing emotions can be a positive experience. This activity will have positive impact for your bed with your partner.
Unable to relax
Sometimes, we are so stressed to not realize how tense the muscles of the body. Tension makes it difficult to relax and eventually difficult to orgasm.
If this sounds like you, ask your partner to give massage as part of foreplay. This will give you time to prepare themselves to the next round as well as relax your tired muscles.
Not confident
Sex means sweat, weird position, and "noise" that might not usually your make or hear. If you do not feel confident, intimacy and sexual experience you will not be able to enjoy.
So rather than focus on the things that can make you anxious, think about the fact that everyone's doing it and for good reason, that feel themselves to be better. (Remember, sex can produce endorphins that promote good mood).
Hated his own body
If the only thing you focus on while in bed is the size of the thigh or 3 pounds of weight that has not gone down, then your chances for getting a small orgasm. Love your body! Too focused on self shortage not only makes you turn-off, but also prevents you from having a satisfying sexual relationship.
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